I see a lot of chatter on social media about COVID-19. We all have issues with the "stay-at-home" orders and travel restrictions. Here on Kauai, it is no different. We also have social distancing, "stay-at-home", and checkpoints around the island to ensure we are not running amok and spreading disease! The media calls it Draconian. I just understand that we all need to do our part to minimize the spread of this dreadful disease. The governor of our state put these orders and proclamations in place partly because we have a large population of kupuna (seniors) and partly because some people, including our high volume of visitors, have no regard for the safety of others (at least not while they're on vacation). So, like in grade school, many suffer because of the actions of the few. Enough of the lamenting, though.
After having been couped up for a lot longer than most -- I've been fighting a bad bout of walking pneumonia for 6 weeks now -- I had sunk into a bit of a depression. However, now that I am on the mend, I've decided to look upon this time as an opportunity. Not only can my husband and I catch up on stuff we need to do for our home, I can write. I can write! I CAN WRITE!!
Today, I signed up for the April Camp NaNoWriMo. It starts Wednesday and I plan to finish the short story I started a while back. I already have a draft, but I need to expand upon the characters and fill out the story. So that is my writing goal for April which should help the month slide by quickly and be productive as well!
Stay well and COVID-19 free!